Friday, September 26, 2014

Saturday Fun.

This weekend we will be honoring grandma in the best way that we can... A ranch work party! There are some areas around the house that need some TLC and fall cleanup.

We'll gather at 9am to start the fun. We realize Saturdays are full of soccer games and other activities, so come if you can. The more family we have helping, the merrier it will be! Bring a water bottle and some work gloves too. We'll work for a couple hours.

And here are some more fun photos from the first day of school.

Wilkens Kelly started 6th grade this year.

Kyra Fromm is a Junior this year

Mckenna is a 9th grader this year.

The Taylor Family: Lindsey, Zane, Ty & Josie

Friday, September 12, 2014

Food & Photos.

We'll be feasting up at the Ranch for our Second Sunday dinner! We'll have spaghetti and sauce provided, so a side dish or two to share with everyone! Dinner will start at 4pm. Spread the word to the fam!

First Day of School Photos (It's not too late to send me your kids' photos)

Jonah is in 10th grade at Leavenworth High School

Hadyn is in 8th grade in Leavenworth

Evie had her first day in Preschool

Taye had her first day at Valley Academy

Jesse also had his first day at Valley Academy

Tyler started Kindergarten, and Jason just wanted to be in the photo.

Marcia's Grandpa Moment.

When I left the Ranch in June after helping clean Dad’s house and pull weeds in the yard, I brought home a few things rather than throw them in the “yard sale” pile.  I brought a baseball type cap that Dad had worn.  Mine says “Rainier Heli-Lift” and I love putting it on and taking off for a walk every morning.  I also wear it in the yard and wish that Mom and Dad were here to help me clean up under the orange trees and thin Grampa Frank’s iris!  I also brought home a bag of almonds!  We all know how he loved his almonds.  Each morning when I go to get a few almonds to cut up for my oatmeal (not Dad’s favorite, but mine—steal-cut) I literally break into a smile as I think of Dad.  What a great way to start my day!!  I’ve been “putting up” lots of tomatoes and I have his little tomato head extractor—for lack of a better term.  I just makes me happy to use things that remind me of him and Mom.  What great parents.  What a wonderful legacy.  So blessed!

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Back to School.

Since Labor Day has passed, most schools have officially started their first day back, and we want to see those first day of school photos.

Send your photos (or photos of your children) of their first day/week of school. If you haven't taken one yet, now is your chance to snap a photo for the first month of school photo. Send them to before Friday so we can post them by Friday morning! (If you know of any cousins who aren't aware of this, spread the message to them too!)