Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Allison and Jesse.

Here is a letter I wrote my Mom back in November 2012, while she was in Taiwan. In it I tell her about a sweet night Jesse and I spent with Grandpa. I left feeling like he had given me a gift by sharing so many marvelous stories. I only wished I had a camera recording the whole thing.

<<Jesse and I spent the evening with Grandpa. We have worked it out with Pat that we'll all take turns spending the evenings there until he goes to bed, at which point Pat will come over and sleep. That makes it easier in the morning with getting kids off to school. I had anticipated helping him get ready for bed and Cindy had told me what to do so that I was prepared.  It was clear though that he was kind of waiting for Pat to do that. I didn't want to make him uncomfortable so we just visited the whole time and I didn't have to do too much "nursing" care.
We got there between 6-6:30 and when I discovered he hadn't eaten I went in to heat up his food. Jesse was so eager to help--finding a plate to scrape the mashed potatoes on. When everything was sufficiently heated Jesse garnished the plate with some chips that he was sure Grandpa would want (apparently he was right) and we took the food in. 
He asked for a glass of milk with his food. Jesse quietly rushed into the kitchen and got it for him. Then he asked for a half glass of prune juice and Jesse quickly went to fetch that as well. It was so endearing to see him measuring and pouring out the liquids, then carefully taking them to Grandpa.
We talked about his day and the grueling procedure of tapping his lungs. It was awful, but by the time we were there talking to him, he was doing very well. If he coughs or sneezes it's extremely painful though. He asked me when you were coming back (not like he was pining, but just to have that information). He told me he didn't have any plans to go any time soon and he thinks he has a lot of living left in him. But after some considering he said, "That's 6 weeks? You know, I might not have a choice when I'm taken." Then Aunt Marcia called and they talked for a good half hour or so. I thought the conversation was over, but when I went back in he told me, "I just can't help feeling like I'd be cheating Katy-Did if I didn't make it to January." He shook his head and said, "She was such a cracker jack. long pause. But she was SO sweet. She IS so sweet." We talked about what a good mom and daughter you are and then he spent the next hour or so just telling me about stories from his youth.>>

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